Taking the time to properly wax your surfboard is an essential activity for all surfers. As such, properly removing surf wax also comes with the territory. In this post, I will share not only how to remove surfboard wax but also a simple trick for how to remove surfboard wax in less than 60 seconds!
Read on for my list of items needed to remove surf wax, step by step guide to remove surf wax (bonus instructional video included), and my recommendation for how often to remove surf wax.
What to Use to Remove Surf Wax?
The list of items needed to strip the wax from your surf board is a short one. It will include the following:
- Surf wax comb
- Rag
- Pot and stove for boiling water
The most essential item for removing wax from your board is a surf wax comb. This wax comb will act as a scraper to remove old surf wax from your board. Fortunately, they are cheap and pretty much last a lifetime. In fact, it’s not uncommon for a surf wax comb to come with the purchase of premium boardshorts. If you are buying a comb independently, Mr. Zog’s Surf Wax Comb is a good choice.
The added benefit of this tool is that the straight side is for removing old wax. The other serrated side is used as a scruffer to rough up existing wax on your board. This allows for more traction and can get you through an extra surf session if don’t have any surfboard wax to apply a new coat. Check my surf gear guide for your other surfing essentials.
How to Remove Surfboard Wax in Under One Minute
Okay, grab the items listed above and get ready for a speedy removal of your old surfboard wax. The act of taking the old wax off your board is what will take you less than one minute. A few minutes of preparation will be needed. I’ll explain below.
- Fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil (5 minutes)
- Lay your surfboard down on the ground, preferably on a patch of grass outside.
- Pour your boiling pot of water over the surfboard. This will quickly soften up your wax so that it is easy to remove.
- Begin stripping the wax from your surfboard with the straight scraper edge of your surf wax comb. Continue until completion.
- Use a rag to wipe down and clean up any leftover wax spots.
Ta’da! Your board has been stripped of all of its old surf wax in less than 60 seconds! The alternate way of doing this is letting your board sit in the sun for about 10 minutes. As the wax begins to soften and melt, follow the same steps, 4-5 listed above. In my experience, the boiling water softens the wax more so than the sun will. Hence, this is how to remove surfboard wax in less than 60 seconds. Get a surf watch to help time yourself.
How Often to Remove Surf Wax?
As infrequently as possible, lol. I say that because it’s kind of pain. Maybe I am just lazy though because I just shared how quickly and easily you can strip the wax from your board. However, the process of waxing a surfboard takes a bit longer.
In all honesty, you shouldn’t have to remove old surf wax too often. With a solid base coat applied, your wax job should be able to last a few months so long as you frequently apply fresh topcoats. A good rule of thumb is that once the wax on your board starts to become mired together (ie. you can no longer see definitive bumps of wax), it is a good time to remove old wax and start anew. Another sign is when the wax on your board begins to become discolored and brown.
Another time you will need to remove your board wax is before flying on an airplane with your board. Before packing your board bag, remove your surf wax so it doesn’t melt over your stuff. Wax melting is common in the hot underbellies of planes.
Anyways, I hope this information was useful. Be sure to watch my 60 second video to see me using this wax removal process in action. Hopefully I will help you shed a few minutes the next time you have to remove surfboard wax.
Now that you have removed your surfboard wax, you are ready to apply surfboard wax properly.
Related: Best Surf Wax
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